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Pridaný 27.05.2008 | Pridal: anonym zlosynko@azet.sk

Nastúpia deti do autobusu, sadnú si a obsadia celú štvorku.
Nastúpi starček s paličkou a už sa mu neušlo miesto na sedenie.
Ide autobus do zákruty, starček sa šmykne sa spadne.
Chlapček mu hovorí:
"Keby ste mali na tej paličke od spodku gumičku, nespadli by ste."
A starček mu na to odpovedá:
"Keby bol mal gumičku tvoj otec, mohlo byt jedno miesto na sedenie volné..."

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Pridaný 14.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym 13stdqu6x@yahoo.com

Listen VERY carefully Anonymous is nniohtg but an FBI/CIA psy op. Yes there are members of anonymous who are not part of this and are genuinely trying to do their part. But if you think a huge group of computer hackers couldnt' and wouldn't be watched, infiltrated and then managed by these alphabet agencies, feeding ideas to useful idiots who follow through on the plans and help push the Establishment's cyber war agenda. Any so called movement that gets it's own CNN docudrama episode about it, you KNOW it's part of the establishment, because they wouldn't want you knowing about anybody who REALLY challenges the government. Just look at the TIMING of this so called attack. the EXACT thing the establishment needs to tighten the noose on the internet.This is just another group co-opted being manged to off convenient attacks that only further freedom crushing agendas Anonymous is a FRAUD. Just like OWS, just like Obama just like Romney.Wake up. http://rnlvgshtn.com [url=http://ukxnaftmpm.com]ukxnaftmpm[/url] [link=http://gcstkwkx.com]gcstkwkx[/link]

Pridaný 13.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym txsqfuh4w@yahoo.com

karob ako taky mi nevadi, ale vadi mi, ze sa<a href="http://efghjzw.com"> pzouiva</a> ako nahrada kakaa (ja si rozdiel vsimnem).ak je to priznane (karobova babovka, karobovy dezert, whatever,..), som uplne spokojna, ale hranie sa na cokolvek (akoze kakaova babovka, akoze kakaovy dezert..) nemam rada.

Pridaný 12.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym 5xpdu4hi0oi@hotmail.com

Dobrfd večer, děkuji za komente1ř na me9m blogu. Budu častfdm ne1vštěvnedkem na Vašem. S kroužky na zače1tku školnedho roku je vždycky velkfd zmaetk. Zne1m to z vlastned zkušenost:)Hezkfd večer.Monika

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