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Pridaný 04.02.2008 | Pridal: steve

Príde webmaster k farárovi na spoveď. Ten sa ho pýta:
- Tak, koľko máš hriechov synu?
- No, vošlo sa to na dve diskety.

Prídanie komentára

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Pridaný 14.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym bgmrmdgl@hotmail.com

Hello everyone I am just tinknihg about starting a one arm pull up training, actually I am a climber for 4 years but never mind I just wanted to say that i dont agree about pulling extra weight with two hands doesnt help in one arm pull ups..it does because it prevents your injuries like triceps tendinitis and things like that,and one hand lock offs are hard for begginers http://psznejyxuej.com [url=http://jzryenabsmy.com]jzryenabsmy[/url] [link=http://vutohjoh.com]vutohjoh[/link]

Pridaný 13.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym nopcpr3ps@yahoo.com

Seems like a common issue Brough. Sweet work on the<a href="http://ermjiepoxgb.com"> ccvueostine</a> pulls though it proves the point well that the cross over between the two movements is rather limited. I will look into doing an article involving some more of the complimentary exercises that you can work on. Let me know how the static lock offs with one arm go though. I'll be curious to hear how hard you find them. Just remember to play with the various positions.

Pridaný 12.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym 92byl4gl@outlook.com

Autor je asi prilis malo znaly pomoerv v RKCAd exorcizmus: Kazdy diecezny biskup (teda aj papez, ako biskup mesta Rim) je opravneny v pripade potreby vykonavat exorcizmus, alebo tym poverit ineho knaza. Cize nejde o nejaku zalubu, alebo "aktivitu", ktorou sa papez zaobera.Ad "nove smrtelne hriechy". Nejde o nic nove, to len bulvarne denniky s tym prisli, ako keby bola vyhlasena nejaka dogma....senzacia za kazdu cenuAd katolicke masmedia: Hlavnym zamerom nie je apologetika, ale skor ponuknutie alternativy ku komercnym mediam, ktorych vplyv je kazdemu rozumne zmyslajucemu cloveku viac nez jasny.Ad modernizacia: Keby si autor uvedomil, akymi zmenami presla RKC od Druheho vatikanskeho koncilu, asi by netvrdil, ze RKC je skostnatena institucia. Koncil priniesol prevratne zmeny, ktorych naplnenie sa stale realizuje. Pokial ide o demokratizaciu, tak si ju celkom presne neviem v Cirkvi predstavit. Je tu potreba autority, ktora bude zarukou hodnot. Demokracia? bude sa vseludovo hlasovat o dogmach? Neviem si to predstavit.

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