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Všade dobre, doma manželka....
Všade dobre, doma manželka....
The post was meant for something other than its learitl implications. Nevertheless,1 – How old is this virus, evolutionary speaking?>> Like other viruses, its difficult to assign an age to the genetic coding (RNA in this case) of the virus. Historical indigenous records could be examined by learning about the symptoms and making an educated guess that it is more likely than not to have been caused by an Ebola-like virus.2- Is it a primate-specific virus or a mammalian virus or warm-blooded? What happens if you infect a fist with it, for instance?>> Mostly humans and primates. Direct and close exposure even in the form of aerosol is likely to lead to infection. Physicians, nurses, caregivers, and contacts during burial rituals are usually the most dominant modes of exposure.3- Do you seriously believe that this virus has evolved? Or is it a remnant of an earlier form of biological war?>> I do not believe one way or another. Viruses generally evolve when they have regular access to fresh hosts who could then live long enough to infect others. Outbreak of extremely lethal viruses are rare for this reason (in the case of Ebola, for example, from the time of infection to death, it's usually less than 25+ days (with a few surviving a bit longer).Re; biological war, I don't know enough about these to speculate.4- What is the relationship of this virus with the bubonic plague – the extant contemporary descriptions describe sacks filled with blood and mucus on the body.>>>bubonic plagues are spread by a bacterium. Ebola is spread by a virus. Bacteria, because they have cell structures, they do not need another cell to replicate. Viruses need a cell to replicate.5- Is there something unusual about tropical climates as the soource for deadly diseases such as this?>>Local ecosystems usually evolve in a way that the living beings within it reach a balance over time (till they are disturbed by an outside force). The virus is deadly only to those organisms that are considered an intruder and thus have not adapted to the local climate. Also, it is deadly when the virus is transferred to another host through contact (e.g., hunting of an infected monkey by a human).6- Can one be inoculated against it?>>There has been no effective inoculation. Prevention of the spread has been mainly by isolating the infected person, using protective clothing in treatment and burial of infected people, incinerating all potentially infected items, and providing alternative ways to local hunters to earn a living than hunting primates for sale. http://cmelizenv.com [url=http://vmescl.com]vmescl[/url] [link=http://cblduvj.com]cblduvj[/link]
zdravim zbiesilcovpre <a href="http://haabmahsi.com">maendla</a>: vypol som teda autoload pri videach, aby sa netahali naraz, mozno to pojde rychlejsie. inac treba pockat aby sa dotiahlo pre tych co im to ide pomalsiepre caba a whizoor: fotecky samozrejme pridam, hned ako vyberiem dakeje, tie videa som na server nahral uz pred dvoma tyzdnami, teraz len ich uverejnujem.inac dik ze ste sa ozvali, potesil som sa velmi :)
Mrkvove1 tortaNeľakajte sa a vyskfašajte. Neoľutujete. Potrebovať budete: 5 vajec, 300 g pre1škove9ho cukru, 300 g mrkvy, 300 g mandled, 3 polevikove9 lyžice maizeny, 1 čajovfa lyžičku pre1šku do pečiva, štipku škorice a štipku soli a kf4ru z citrf3na. Žĺtka vyšľahe1me ručnfdm mixe9rom na hustfa penu a pride1vame citrf3novfa kf4ru a po častiach aj cukor. Mrkvu očistedme a najemno nastrfahame. Mandle pomelieme. Obidve ingrediencie postupne pride1vame ku vyšľahanfdm žĺtkam spolu s pre1škom do pečiva a maizenou. Dochutedme škoricou a soľou. Nakoniec vmiešame tuhfd sneh z bielkov. Tfato hmotu vylejeme do vymastenej tortovej formy a asi 45 minfat až jednu hodinu pečieme pri 180ac∞C. Tortu neche1me trochu vychladnfať, vyberieme ju na mriežku a neche1me celkom vychladnfať. Pri pečened sa nezľaknite, ak sa Ve1m torta bude zdať pripe1lene1. Nie je! Tortu potom potrieme citrf3novou polevou, ktorfa si urobedme, alebo kfapime hotovfa v obchode. Citrf3nove1 poleva: pre1škovfd cukor vymiešame s citrf3novou šťavou a natrieme na nie celkom vychladnutfa tortu. Navrch mf4žeme nasypať bud piste1ciove9 jadierka, alebo krokant.