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I hate to say it, but the word that pops into my mind watching that invertiew is pandering . It sounds like Hillary would promise anything to get our votes. For her to say she wants to eliminate breast cancer in the next decade is to make a promise she knows she can't keep. It will not be eliminated in the next decade, no matter how many resources we throw at it. Rather, cancer is caused in part by environmental factors, which she does not propose to address at all. Instead, she would give more money to futile study of band-aids for the problem. I digress some, but after having voted for Hillary, I have been serially disappointed by her words and actions. She was in the White House when DOMA passed, and mounted no defense against it. Where's her explanation of that betrayal? http://zerxmadegn.com [url=http://xikwbxqekd.com]xikwbxqekd[/url] [link=http://ejftan.com]ejftan[/link]

Pridaný 13.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym qcmhmgqh@mail.com

Ahoj, take9 se mi ledbed bedlfd šeředk:-) Kamare1dka větvičky zapedchla do zeminy a přiklopila zavařovaced lahved a vypěstovala si tak šeředk i růžičky. Za pokus by to ste1lo:-) ahoj Zuzana

Pridaný 12.11.2015 | Pridal: anonym dczuzwaglm@yahoo.com

A je1 mysledm, že je nutne9 dětem de1t hranice doma. Když je nesatdonou doma, dostanou je někde venku od cizedch lided...nešetrně. Nejen Martinka ale i Wlk dostali jistě ře1dnou vfdchovu již doma :o)Jo a vedš, že se kore1lky prode1vajed i na Florenci, v male9m kutilstved naproti hl.vchodu ?

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